DASH (Delft Architectural Studies on Housing) is a thematic book series that is wholly devoted to dwelling design. Inquiry into historical and contemporary projects and conditions is the central focus of DASH. New types of housing but also existing models and changing trends are thoroughly charted and examined. The target is the future: with thought-provoking analyses, DASH aims to give new impetus to innovative housing design.
Published on Archined: La Residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid -1
Part I of the Essay of Sergio Martín Blas
By Frederique van AndelPart I of the DASH Essay of Sergio Martín Blas, La Residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid -1, published in DASH#10 – Housing the Student (Rotterdam: nai010publishers, 2014) is now published on Archined.
Coming out soon, next Issue of DASH
DASH#11 – Interiors on Display
By Hans Teerds and Jurjen ZeinstraThe radical innovations in architecture during the twentieth century were not all about exteriors; they also had a major impact on the interiors of homes. The rise of mass housing, mass production and mass consumption led more than once to the idea that the home interior as architectural project would become a thing of the […]