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DASH DEAL – November 2016

Now is the moment to get to know DASH or complete your collection!

During November 2016, NAi Booksellers offers you the opportunity to order back-issues with a wonderful discount. If you order more than one back-issue (issues 01 – 11) of DASH, they will offer you a discount of € 10 per issue. Just use DASH as the coupon code in the Checkout process…

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Price: 49,95

Global Housing Exhibition in Addis Ababa

opened by Peter Russell and Wendwosen Demrew

On Tuesday 15 November 2016 Peter Russell (Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft)  and Wendwosen Demrew (Association of Ethiopian Architects) opened the exhibition Global Housing – Affordable Dwellings for Growing Cities in the Gallery of the Ethiopian National Theatre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


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Price: € 29,50

Global Housing Exhibition in Addis Ababa

15-28 November 2016

Frederique van Andel & Dick van Gameren (TU Delft, The Netherlands)

Anteneh Tesfaye & Brook Teklehaimanot (EiABC Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
in collaboration with AEA (Association of Ethiopian Architects)

With contributions by:
Carmen Espegel (ETSAM Madrid), Helen Gyger (Columbia University), Michelle Provoost (International New Town Institute), Seyed Mohamad Ali Sedighi (TU Delft), Brook Teklehaimanot (EiABC), Rohan Varma (IND)

Guido Greijdanus, Robbert Guis, Cederick Ingen-Housz, Davida Rauch, Carlyn Simoen (TU Delft), Rohan Varma (IND)

Manfredi Bozzi, Laurens Kistemaker, Giorgio Larcher (Mecanoo architecten, The Netherlands)