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Price: € 49,95

Interview with Tsedale Mamo

Grand Housing Programme, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

In 2004 the Grand Housing Programme (GHP) was introduced in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to reduce the overwhelming housing backlog, estimated at about 300.000 housing units and to replace 50% of the overall dilapidated public rental houses (locally known as Kebele Houses).

For the upcoming Issue of DASH – Global Housing (autumn 2015), Brook Teklehaimanot, from EiABC (Addis Ababa University), interviewed Mrs. Tsedale Mamo about the GHP. Mrs. Mamo was manager at the Addis Ababa Housing Development Project Office for about 5 years and responsible for implementing the Program.


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Price: € 29,50

Fria New Town

featuring in the upcoming issue of DASH - Global Housing

DASH is disovering the Archives of Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine in Paris for the upcoming issue on Global Housing.
One of the projects which will feature in the Plan Documentation is: Fria New Town in Guinea Conakry (1956-1964) by Michel Ecochard / Guy Lagneau, Michel Weill  & Jean Dimitrijevic / Michel Kalt, Daniel Pouradier-Duteil & Pierre Vignal.