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Published on Archined: ‘Im welchem Style sollen wir wohnen?’

Article by Jurjen Zeinstra for DASH - Interiors on Display

As well as Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam, the Netherlands as DASH pays attentions to the meaning of the 1:1 model.

1:1 models are enjoying a notable revival, not only in a contemporary form but also in a historical one. Where does this interest come from? To what degree is the 1:1 model – an environment as recognisable as it is alienating – capable of seducing an audience into entering into a relationship with a story or a topic? And which tools does it offer the exhibition curator?

DASH – Interiors on Display published the article ‘Im welchem Style sollen wir wohnen’ from architect Jurjen Zeinstra. Read the full article here on Archined! You can visit the exhibition 1:1 Period Rooms by Andreas Angelidakis in Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam until the 6th of April 2015.